
Download from Google Play Store:

DishCal is a tool for calculating a person’s calorie needs and the number of calories contained in a meal. The user can calculate the number of calories in a single meal based on its ingredients making it an accurate app for keeping track of calorie intake. It has the added features of two calculators, one for the purpose of calculating a user’s daily and weekly calorie needs based on the Mifflin St Jeor and the Harris Benedict formulas and a kilojoule to calorie converter. The user can record their weight on a daily basis and the app provides a weekly, monthly and yearly graph for tracking their weight.

Please consult a medical professional or registered dietitian before using this app.

Developed by: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi
Distributed by: Soltanian Tech

Space Resistance

Space Resistance – Official Video Game Trailer

Download on Microsoft Store: Space Resistance

Space Resistance is a classic shoot’em-up style game with a rogue-like level system. The aim is to defeat as many enemy ships as possible and get the highest score by surviving as long as possible!

There are three different types of enemy ships, Mites, Grasshoppers, and Tarantulas:

There’s also a boss, known as the “Goliath”:

As the player continues through the game, they will encounter enemies and a Goliath. After the Goliath is killed, the player advances to the next level. The next wave begins immediately, where the enemies will be tougher to beat. Players can watch out for pickup items on their mission, including shields and health. These are dropped randomly by enemies that are killed.

Developers: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi & Joshua Pearson

All graphics and audio by: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi (

Revamped font by: Chequered Ink

In-game music by: Steven Melin (

Distributed by: Soltanian Tech