
Download from the Microsoft Store:

Folders2Check is a desktop app used for comparing the files/folders from two different folders and drives. Items missing from the folders are displayed in the app. Folders2Check can be used to compare folders on computers and external devices such as mobile phones.

All rights reserved for the developer Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi.

© 2024, Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi.

Distributed by Soltanian Tech Limited.


Developed by: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi

Surmountable – Gameplay Trailer

Download on Steam: Surmountable

Your ship is shot down while engaged in a space battle. You land on an unknown planet. With your battleship damaged and no way of contacting your mother ship, you must survive on the planet until you find a way back home.

Surmountable – Cinematic Trailer (Character 1)
Surmountable – Cinematic Trailer (Character 2)

In Surmountable, you will need to collect resources, fight off local predators, and discover the civilization that used to inhabit the planet. Prepare to explore and be challenged in this semi-open-world game of survival.

(C) 2023, Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi. All rights reserved.

Published by: Soltanian Games

DishCal 2

Download on Google Play Store:

DishCal 2 Screenshots

DishCal 2 helps keep a track of a person’s calorie needs and the number of calories contained in a meal. The user can calculate the number of calories in a single meal based on its ingredients making it an accurate app for keeping track of calorie intake. It contains two additional calculators, one for the purpose of calculating a user’s daily and weekly calorie needs based on the Mifflin St Jeor and the Harris Benedict formulas and a kilojoule to calorie converter. The user can keep a record of their weight through the weight progress section of the app. The weight progress section of the app also provides a weekly, monthly and yearly graph for tracking a person’s weight.

Please consult a medical professional or registered dietitian before using this app.

Developed by: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi
Distributed by: Soltanian Tech

© 2023, Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi.

Probot Soccer

Probot Soccer – Game Trailer

Developed by: Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi

Download on Steam:

Probot Soccer is a third person soccer-style sports game where the player controls a robot. The aim of the game is to kick the soccer ball into the AI robot opponent’s goal. The game includes various levels of difficulty which increase the number of rounds you must play against the AI robot opponent to win the game. The game has multiple maps to play on (soccer fields). You can keep track of how many wins and losses you have through the in-game scoreboard that can be reset if desired.

Probot Soccer Screenshots

(C) 2023, Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi. All rights reserved.

Published by: Soltanian Games

On the AM Show New Zealand

Appeared on the AM Show New Zealand (Newshub, Warner Bros. Discovery) on 23 June 2023 with the delightful hosts Michael O’Keeffe and Laura Tupou: